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The Metaphysical Society of America
Founded in 1950
Constituent of the American Council of Learned Societies


Dates: March 2026

Location: New Haven, CT

Plenary Address: TBD

Presidential Address: TBD

Registration and Conference Page Coming Soon

Call For Abstracts To Be Announced

The MSA offers up to $400 in support to all graduate students and post-doctoral researchers within 3 years of receiving their PhD who give papers at the annual conference.

The Metaphysical Society of America

The Metaphysical Society of America is an organization of professional philosophers that meets annually to discuss issues of fundamental concern in all of the major areas of philosophical reflection. It is a society committed to the principle that philosophical thought is open to a variety of different traditions and methodologies, and at its annual meeting, it provides a forum for the discussion of the questions that have animated philosophical debate from the start. As the opening declaration of its constitution states, “The purpose of the Metaphysical Society of America is the study of reality.” The Society has no publication of its own, but has from its inception maintained a close informal relation with the Review of Metaphysics. Since 1958 it has been a constituent of the American Council of Learned Societies.

Past Presidents include Paul Weiss, Charles Hartshorne, W. E. Hocking, John Herman Randall, Errol Harris, John E. Smith, J. N. Findlay, Wilfrid Sellars, Joseph Owens, Stanley Rosen, Robert Cummings Neville, and Nicholas Rescher. More...

The MSA would like to publicly acknowledge generous donations from the following organizations:

Hocking Cabot Fund for Systematic Philosophy

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Founding President, Paul Weiss (1901-2002)