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The Metaphysical Society of America
Founded in 1950
Constituent of the American Council of Learned Societies

65th Annual Meeting

Questions of Being

Conference Program
(updated 04.09.2014)

All sessions will be held in Griffin Hall (campus map) 

Thursday, April 10

Prior to the start of the conference, the Society for the Study of Process Philosophies will have a session on April 10th, 8:00 – 9:30 PM. All are welcome!
Location: Greylock Room, Williams Inn (notice change of location)
Moderator: George Allan, Dickinson College
Speaker: Lawrence Cahoone, College of the Holy Cross, "Realism and Naturalism: A Century-Long Conversation"
Commentator: Robert C. Neville, Boston University

Friday, April 11

9:00 Christina Schneider, University of Munich, Today's Metaphysics Between Scylla and Charybdis: Between Redundancy and Esoterics acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: George Lucas, VADM James Stockwell Center for Ethics
Commentator: Dominic Balestra, Fordham University
10:10 Brian G. Henning, Gonzaga University, “In Defense of Speculative, Systematic Metaphysics acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: Bill Hamrick, Southern Illinois University Commentator: Bill Hamrick, Southern Illinois University
11:20 Robert C. Neville, Boston University, “Being as Determinate and its Ground” acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: George Allan, Dickinson College
Commentator: Josh Tepley, St. Anselm College
2:00 Oliva Blanchette, Boston College “Questions of Being and the Question of Being acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: Timothy Eastman, Aries Scientific
Commentator: George Lucas, VADM James Stockwell Center for Ethics
3:10 Keynote Address Lorenz B. Puntel, University of Munich, “Is Leibniz's question ‘Why Is There Anything Rather Than Nothing?’ a Meaningful One?” acrobat
4:45 Presidential Address Alan White, Williams College, “Rearticulating Being”
Saturday, April 12
9:00 Brad Patty, University of Georgia, “The Form is the Thing acrobat (Aristotle Prize Winner) (abstract)
Moderator: Wesley DeMarco, Clark University
Commentator: Elizabeth Robinson, Boston University
10:10 Richard Livingston, Claremont Graduate University, “Khôragraphical Connections: From Being to Event in Heidegger and Whitehead acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: Melvin Woody, Connecticut College
Commentator: Jim Murdock, Villanova University
11:20 Renato M. R. G. Brandão, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Parmenidean Monism acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: Oliva Blanchette, Boston College
Commentator: Wesley DeMarco, Clark University
2:00 May Sim, College of the Holy Cross, "Questioning the One and the Many with Aristotle and Zhu Xi" acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: J. Murray Murdoch, Jr., Villanova University Commentator: Joey Carter, University of Georgia
3:10 Eric v.d. Luft, SUNY Upstate Medical University, The Principle of Sufficient Reason as the Principle of the Ultimate Ground of Being acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: Dominic Balestra, Fordham University Commentator: Melvin Woody, Connecticut College
4:20 Michael Baur, Fordham University, "The Being of Groups" acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: May Sim, College of the Holy Cross
Commentator: Brian Henning, Gonzaga University
5:30 Vincent Colapietro, Penn State University, “Being, Existence, and Reality: Peirce on the Modes of Being” acrobat (abstract)
Moderator: Richard Livingston, Claremont Graduate University Commentator: Oliva Blanchette, Boston College

6:40 Business meeting