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The Metaphysical Society of America
Founded in 1950
Constituent of the American Council of Learned Societies

64th Annual Meeting

Metaphysics and Ethics, East and West

Conference Program

Friday April 12

8:15-8:45 a.m.  Breakfast (Moran Lounge, 4th Floor Smith Hall)

8:50-9:00 Welcome by Dean Timothy R. Austin (Rehm Library, 3rd Floor Smith Hall.  This is the location for all talks.)


9:00-10:00 Session I

Moderator: Anne Wiles (James Madison University)

Speaker: Jude Dougherty (The Catholic University of America)

Morality with and without God acrobat

Respondent: Melvin Woody (Connecticut College)


10:10-11:10 Session II

Moderator:  Todd Lewis (College of the Holy Cross)

Speaker: Drew Christie (University of New Hampshire)

Three Accounts of No-Self (Anatta) acrobat

Respondent: Gregory Moss (Oglethorpe University)


11:20-12:20 Session III

Moderator: Max Latona (St. Anselm College)

Speaker: James Wood (Xavier University)

The Philosopher and the Sage: Plato and Laozi on Following the Way of Nature acrobat

Respondent: Joe Lawrence (College of the Holy Cross)


12:30-1:50 Lunch (Hogan Campus Center, Room 408-409)


2:00-3:00 Session IV

Moderator: Carolyn Richardson (College of the Holy Cross)

Speaker: Wes DeMarco (Clark University)

Better than Ethics?  The Way of Moral Power acrobat


3:10-4:35 Presidential Address

Introduction: Alan White (Williams College)

Speaker: May Sim (College of the Holy Cross)

“From Metaphysics to Ethics, East and West”


4:45-6:10 Keynote Address

Introduction: John Berthrong (Boston University)

Speaker: Robert C. Neville (Boston University)

“The Good is One, its Manifestations are Many: Comparative Themes for a Contemporary Metaphysics of Value”


6:15-6:30 Founder’s Medal Award


6:35-7:50 Banquet (Mentalism by award-winning magician, Hogan Campus Center, Room 408-409)


8:00-9:45 J. S. Bach and Evening Ragas Concert (Brooks Concert Hall)


Saturday April 13

8:15-8:55 a.m.  Breakfast (Moran Lounge, 4th Floor Smith Hall)


9:00-10:00 Session V

Moderator: Wes DeMarco (Clark University)

Speaker: Matt Walker (Yale-NUS College)

Platonic Fantasy’ or Platonic Insight?: Contemplating Beauty and Generating Virtue in the Symposium acrobat

Respondent: Chris Dustin (College of the Holy Cross)

10:10-11:10 Session VI

Moderator: Thornton Lockwood (Quinnipiac University)

Speaker: Jonathan Sanford (Franciscan University of Steubenville)

Aristotle and the Privation Theory of Evil acrobat

Respondent: Emily Katz (Michigan State University)


11:20-12:20 Session VII

Moderator: Nathan Strunk (McGill University)

Speaker: Richard Dien Winfield (University of Georgia)

Truth, the Good, and the Unity of Theory and Practice acrobat

Respondent: Andrea Borghini (College of the Holy Cross)


12:30-1:50 Lunch (Hogan Campus Center, Jenks Suite A)


2:00-3:00 Session VIII

Moderator: Andrea Borghini (College of the Holy Cross)

Speaker: Bob Kane (The University of Texas at Austin)

Ethics and the Metaphysical Quest for Wisdom in a Culturally Pluralist World acrobat

Respondent: Karsten Stueber (College of the Holy Cross)


3:10-4:10 Session IX

Moderator: Brian G. Henning (Gonzaga University)

Speaker: George Allan (Dickinson College)

Good as Rule Breaking acrobat

Respondent: John Berthrong (Boston University)


4:20-5:20 Session X

Moderator: Suzanne Ironbiter (Purchase College and Hunter College/CUNY)

Speaker: Brian Martine (University of Alabama in Huntsville)

Being, Becoming, and the Good acrobat

Respondent: Larry Cahoone (College of the Holy Cross)


5:30-6:30 Session XI

Moderator: Sarah Glenn (St. Anselm College)

Speaker: David Weissman (City College of New York)

Zone Morality acrobat


6:35-7:05 Business Meeting


Sunday April 14

8:15-8:55 a.m.  Breakfast (Moran Lounge, 4th Floor Smith Hall)


9:00-12:00 Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Session: Metaphysical implications and Ethical Philosophy: Pragmatism and Asia

Moderator: Marjorie C. Miller (Purchase College)


Speaker: Robert C. Neville (Boston University)

“Developing Pragmatic Metaphysics as a Confucian Ethical Project”


Speaker: Suzanne Ironbiter (Purchase College and Hunter College/CUNY)

SamkhyaYoga & Pragmatism acrobat


Speaker: David Sprintzen (C.W. Post College, LIU)

“Emerging Freedom”  ("A Ripple in a Field") 



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